The Rumplepimple adventures are illustrated story books by Suzanne DeWitt Hall.
Hey Rumplepimple (OMD, what a FABulous name!) I found you on the WW linky, and I loves your bloggie! Ma had two WFT as a wee lass, and you remind her so much of one of them! I loves your videos and adventures!Kisses,Ruby ♥
thanks for the tips and information..i really appreciate it.. voyance tarot
Hey Rumplepimple (OMD, what a FABulous name!) I found you on the WW linky, and I loves your bloggie! Ma had two WFT as a wee lass, and you remind her so much of one of them! I loves your videos and adventures!
Ruby ♥
thanks for the tips and information..i really appreciate it.. voyance tarot